On Sun, 18 Aug 2002 at 01:13, Soheil Shaghaghi opined:

SS:Thanks Jim :)
SS:I've actually seen such scripts on the web, so I know it's possible.
SS:One thing that is not the job of this script is to actually look for server
SS:details. These should be determined by the user.
SS:Basically, the user is required to enter certain information in the form,
SS:like the path to Perl, sendmail,..
SS:Then the program changes the necessary variables and begins the
SS:I think it would become more clear to everyone if I show you an example:
SS:This is something close to what I am looking for:

you should look into packaging your app up so it can be installed with 
MakeFile, in the same way that any CPAN module is installed.

if i'm not mistaken, drieux recently posted a tutorial on creating a 
MakeFile.  care to post that url again, drieux?

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