On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 at 20:28, Octavian Rasnita opined:

OR:But is it a way, (maybe module?) that allow creating a thumbnail on the fly?
OR:For example:
OR:I want to put more big images in a folder and if someone visits my page,
OR:they will see a table with thumbnails created on the fly and inserted in the
OR:HTML page, and ... those thumbs made as links to the bigger pictures.
OR:The script should get the image, create a smaller one automaticly (with a
OR:lower size) and print it on the screen as image/jpg ... etc.
OR:Is it possible?

octavian - please remember to post your messages to the list so everyone 
can benefit from the questions and answers.

to answer your question - did you investigate the perl module i listed?  
it's called Image::Magick::Thumbnail, and it does exactly what you 
describe.  Please see below:

OR:----- Original Message -----
OR:From: "fliptop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OR:To: "Yuen, Alex" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OR:Cc: "'Perl Beginners - CGI'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
OR:Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 5:52 PM
OR:Subject: Re: Creating thumbnails (Newbie Question)...
OR:On Wed, 18 Sep 2002 at 09:56, Yuen, Alex opined:
OR:YA:I was wondering if it is possible to write a CGI (Perl) program to make a
OR:YA:thumbnail page for my website.
OR:YA:If so, how would I start and use for doing this?
OR:if you question is how to create a thumbnail from a regular image, then
OR:you could use ImageMagick.

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