  Great going, you are adding the 'use strict;' pragma
to your code.! Bravo.  Now, here is the deal.  Tell
Perl that 'br' is a function by doing either '&br' or
'br();'.  That should do the trick.  You'll notice
that all of your other functions have parenthesis. 
That is why you are not getting the bareword warning
on them.

--- Rob Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I am attempting to use objects to organize a program
> somewheat
> intelligently.  I am running into a problem using
> the CGI method "br".
> My main routine has the following use statements:
> use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
> use CGI qw/:standard center *big delete_all/;
> It begins writing HTML with the following code:
> print 
>       header(-type=>'text/html',-expires=>'-1d'),
>       start_html(-title=>'Volunteer Scheduling
> System',-vlink=>'blue'),
>       center(p(img({-src=>'cvsr.gif'}),br,strong("Welcome
> to the Volunteer
> Scheduling System $usrvals[1] $usrvals[3]."),br,
> <snip>
> There is no problem with this statement.  Note that
> the CGI method "br"
> was used twice.  (At least I think that's what "br"
> is here.)
> In a new module that I wrote, I have the following
> use statement:
> use CGI qw/:standard center *big delete_all *br/;
> This module defines an object that knows how to
> build an HTML string. 
> It has a GetHTML() method that returns a string, and
> it's the
> responsibility of the calling routine to send that
> string to standard
> output to build the web page.  The GetHTML() routine
> uses the following
> code to build a string:
> $htmlString = p
>             (
>               center
>               (
>                 strong
>                 (
>                   "Train(s) and positions for the day you have
> selected."
>                   ) . 
>                 br . 
>                 "Click the position you would like to volunteer
> for." . 
>                 br . 
>                 "Positions that are already taken cannot be
> clicked." . 
>                 br . 
>                 "Use the date dropdowns above to change to a
> different day."
>               )
>             ) . 
>             br . 
>             "<TABLE align=center><TR>";
> In this instance, Perl is complaining that the
> bareword "br" is not
> allowed when "strict subs" is in use.  I don't
> understand why it's not
> allowed here but it is allowed in the other module. 
> Can somebody
> please explain this?
> Thanks very much!
> RobR
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