> Your response dovetails nicely with my next question.  The module I'm
> working in begins as follows:
> use warnings;
> use strict;
> use CGI qw/:standard center strong *big delete_all/;

Because the code you have included does not specifically say so I have to
guess that:

package NotShown;

follows somewhere below. I cannot begin to guess the structure you have
choosen for your application - but one (very possibly bone headed) though
comes to mind.
If the NotShown package writes html and you want to do so in the CGI style
inside a function I might be tempted to:

sub writeHTML {
    useCGI qw/:standard center strong *big delete_all/;
(I think I hear a noise off in the distance. It seems to be the sound of
several module authors gathering stones. Please don't hurt me - I'm only a
> I had thought that the "use CGI" line would tell Perl enough about
> those functions that I wouldn't have to qualify them.  What do I have
> to do to avoid putting the package name before every subroutine that
> doesn't come from the package I'm developing?  For a complicated
> program, I would imagine qualifying every subroutine call would get
> very cumbersome!

I think the issue has to do with where you use the
assertion and where you
use CGI;

Visit the perl/site/lib directory of your install. Open any number of .pm
files and note the package assertion happens at the top of the file so that
use d and require d files are in the package namespace.

There is a bird chirping in my head. He is telling me a wheel may be being
reinvented. There is nothing wrong with that but every time he sings I
discover a module that does all I want (and usually more). I have an urge to
suggest HTML/Mason (but I'm not really sure why)

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