--- drieux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Great Questions!
> MVC - Model,View,Controller
> it is a design pattern, a way of 'looking at'
> the problem and understanding which parts belong where.
> <http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859- 
> 1&q=Model%2CView%2CController&btnG=Google+Search>

Just to really fan the flames here and ensure that we're not inadvertently creating 
memes, it should be noted that while PHP doesn't lend itself to MVC, neither does Perl 
when one is
talking about Perl/CGI.  The View in MVC is typically dynamically updated.  If you 
have a bar
graph of spreadsheet data and that data is altered, the graph, if a proper view, gets 
automatically with no extra work on the part of the user.

However, your HTML typically won't do that.  Once it's rendered, it *usually* sits 
there, dumb,
until the user takes an action.  It's not always that way, but it's a far enough 
divergence from
classic MVC that the distinction is worth noting.  Anyone here who doesn't know that 
and starts
talking about MVC to a Design Pattern purist is going to get a serious talking to :)

Of course, many people who discuss MVC vis-a-vis Web programming are fully aware of 
this, but it's
so frequently understood that it's not always pointed out.


Silence is Evil            http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/philosophy/indexdecency.htm
Ovid                       http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=17000
Web Programming with Perl  http://users.easystreet.com/ovid/cgi_course/

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