Great, I got the use lib to work but where is the directory for these
modules you mentioned (on linux):

> No you wouldn't not if you install it via cpan (IE it's in a standard
> directory already in @INC)
> Same with any other module, Net::SMTP, Mail::Sender,

I did a find but it did not find it. find / -name -print


>> I understand what you are saying but I would have to include
>> the path, the @INC thing, to the "use
>> WhateverTheHeckICallTheModule qw(emailx);".
> No you wouldn't not if you install it via cpan (IE it's in a standard
> directory already in @INC)
> Same with any other module, Net::SMTP, Mail::Sender,
>> This would affect command line and mod_perl. If I put the
>> WhateverTheHeckICallTheModule in the current dir, it works
>> fine for the command line. For mod_perl, I would need to put
>> it in a startup script or something which I have read but not
>> sure how to do it.
>> I just rather not bother at this time unless you can give me
>> an example of how to add the path to @INC and do I need to
>> define the @INC in each file?
>  use lib qw(/path/to/modules1 /path/to/modules2 /etc/etc);
>  use FunnyLocationModuleThatIsInADirectoryListedAbove;
>> Also, if you know how to include it for the mod_perl.
>> thanks,
>> -rkl
> No prob, having fun with the long fake module names!
> DMuey

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