Brad Lhotsky wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
If you want to contact me privately, you can click the link
below. If you fill the form, including your own email address,
and submit it, you'll receive a copy of the message. That's for
your record, for your convenience. Personally I think that makes

When dealing with email.. always taint check and sanitize data. Never allow someone to post the "To" or "Cc" address, because while your javascript and html maxlength's prevent me from using my browser to submit data to your form, I can still use WWW::Mechanize or LWP to annihilate the crap out of your server.

Excuse me Brad, but by saying that in response to my mentioning of my contact form, you imply that your comment would have a relevance to my program. It has not. Actually, the program is available at CPAN:

so you can check out for yourself, if you like.

Perl gives you enough rope to hang yourself, and the rest of the internet along with you.. please be careful ;)

Sure, on that we can agree. But never say never.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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