Bill Jones wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:

If you want to contact me privately, you can click the link below. If you fill the form, including your own email
address, and submit it, you'll receive a copy of the message.
That's for your record, for your convenience. Personally I
think that makes sense.


Please, Camilo, it's a contact form, intended to serve the same purpose as a mailto-link. The risk with it is limited (it accepts
only one submitted address, the messages are plain text, and the
size is limited). If some idiot would use it for sending
unsolicited messages (has never happened so far), I would know
and would be able to take actions.

The only realistic option is to skip the copy to the sender. But
I don't want to do that. For the sake of convenience.

Um, your link is to a web server and you can display a web page -- convienent, no?

Why send mail outside your system anyway then?

I explained that in the part of the message you snipped. (Reinstated above in this message.)

One web surfer - one web page.

Don't understand what you mean by that.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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