Hi there,

Bee wrote:

I have a script that receives certain data from an html form, processes
them, then submits the processed data to another script. Problem is, I
want it to do so without having to click anything anymore. It would

Where is the 'another script' ? within your site, or to other site ?
If the other script is within you site, you may 'require' the other script,
just pass data by sub calling ? If that's external, you probrably want to

It's a 3rd-party script and it's on a remote site.

The data length is still the same whatever your passing way is hidden or

I know. But there is a limit to the length of data you can visibly pass. This one exceeds it so I have to send it as a hidden element.

something in my research, I cannot use redirect.

How do you redirectly ? or does redirect nesassary ? Would you show
some codes or show what you expect ?

This is what is supposed to happen:
1. User sends data to my script using an html form
2. My script (the one I want to modify) processes the data, then calls a 3rd-party script
3. 3rd-party script processes data, but does not return any visible output. Instead, it does a redirect to call and pass data to another local script of mine, which is the one I can read for output.

The developer of the 3rd-party script chose to do it this way to give us freedom on how we want to present the end-data to our users.

Just to restate my problem: in step 2 above, my users still have to do a click to submit the processed data to the 3rd-party script. I could not use LWP::UserAgent to get a response from the the 3rd-party script because it does not give any output.

My option now, if it is possible, is to make LWP::UserAgent retrieve the output of my other local script which the 3rd-party script redirects to. Would like to know though if there are any other alternatives to doing this.



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