Thanks to all who gave suggestions!  Will try them out now.

Bee wrote:

This is what is supposed to happen:
1.  User sends data to my script using an html form
2.  My script (the one I want to modify) processes data, then calls a
3rd-party script
3.  3rd-party script processes data, then calls another local script of

Actually, you have some other chooses, but that quite risky to ensure you are doing the right thing you expected.

First choice :
<form method='post' action='http://....the_3rd_pts'
# End up at foreign.

Second choice : Pick data from your user, and do some modify, then gen the data with uri_escped ( perldoc -m URI::Escape ) string like : $data = 'b=10&t=A%20%20' , and print "Location:http://.....3rd_pts.asp?$data\n\n";. # End up at foreign.

Third choice : use LWP::UserAgent;

new LWP::UserAgent;
my $result = $ua ->  do_something ;
print $result -> content;
# End up in local.

That cannot be done if the 3 party side set some check points like,
REQUEST_METHOD, Cookies.... etc.

Besides, the side effect if end up in local is if there are links inside the
result page does
not set the href base, all becomes dead link ! unless you do much more to
capture the
whole page's content and fulfill the href based links.

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