Well a regex is a regular expression ... I am pretty sure you will come round
to it eventually if you go info hunting on perl.  A good book that I always
recommend (for beginners) is "Learning Perl" published by O'Reilly.

It is a bit difficult for a beginner sometimes as Perl can be used for so many
things that the spectrum of discussion even in a beginner's list is very
broad. I personally don't do anything with XML with Perl (and I have been at
Perl for two years now ...c ommercially ... not that I am saying aI am any

Pick your spots with the mailing list topics.
On Wed, Jun 13, 2001 at 04:32:08PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] shaped the electrons to 
> I read Learn Perl in 24 Hours.  I did the exercises in the book, and I wrote
> a couple web pages where you could submit a text file that would be posted
> onto the web (i.e. joke of the day sites).  I've written scripts that have
> taken
> files of lists of labels, compared them, then built a list of the ones that
> were
> in one an not the other file.  I thought that qualified me as a beginner.
> Then
> I join this group, and I get discussions of regexes and XML, etc.  I have
> no idea what a regex is!  What books have you guys (who I assume are
> beginners too, since that's the name of this board) been reading?  Turn
> me into a beginner too!
> Kirk

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