
The most popular tutorial book for Perl is "Learning Perl" by Randal 
Schwartz et al. .   I started learning from it, and look where I am now 

The 3rd edition should be coming out next month, so you may want to hold 
off on it and read some online docs 'till then, as it will probably have 
a lot of good stuff in it.

I personally don't trust any books that include a duration in the title :)


>I read Learn Perl in 24 Hours.  I did the exercises in the book, and I wrote
>a couple web pages where you could submit a text file that would be posted
>onto the web (i.e. joke of the day sites).  I've written scripts that have
>files of lists of labels, compared them, then built a list of the ones that
>in one an not the other file.  I thought that qualified me as a beginner.
>I join this group, and I get discussions of regexes and XML, etc.  I have
>no idea what a regex is!  What books have you guys (who I assume are
>beginners too, since that's the name of this board) been reading?  Turn
>me into a beginner too!

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