At 05:32 PM 6/13/2001, you wrote:
>I join this group, and I get discussions of regexes and XML, etc.  I have
>no idea what a regex is!  What books have you guys (who I assume are
>beginners too, since that's the name of this board) been reading?  Turn
>me into a beginner too!

Despair not.  You are a beginner.  : )

All a regex is a regular expression, which, I hope to high-heaven, were 
mentioned in Perl in 24 Hours.  I would think that doing your file parsing 
and such you would have had to have come across them.  If you need to know 
more about them, let us know.

As for all the XML stuff, I consider myself a passable Perl programmer, but 
I spend a *very* little time in XML-land, so I would qualify myself as 
sub-beginner as far as Perl with XML is concerned.  I've been keeping up 
with that thread because I know I'm going to need some of the tips 
mentioned when I finally get around to some real XML stuff.

As for books, you should really pick up Programming Perl, 3rd Edition, 
known throughout the community as the Camel Book, or just Camel.  If it 
pertains to Perl, it's in there.  And, frankly, I would not have 
recommended Perl in 24 Hours as anyone's first book.  (As an aside, it was 
the first book I picked up, but only because a good friend of mine had it, 
was willing to lend it to me for a bit, and we were both not-so-blissfully 
unaware of the great resources out there.)  If you feel like you are shaky 
on some of the basics you might want to check out the Llama Book, Learning 
Perl, to get up to speed.  But from your description of what you have 
accomplished, I don't know if you'll need it.  (BTW, when I returned 24 
Hours to my friend, I lent him my Llama Book too, and he was really amazed 
at how much clearer the explanations were, and how much more readable the 
code was.)

Both of the books mentioned above are published by O'Reilly and 
Associates.  Look around for the O'Reilly books with the light blue 
binding.  There be Perl.  And you'll figure out the animal nicknames when 
you see the covers.



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