At 09:08 AM 08/08/2001 +0530, Karthik Krishnamurthy wrote:
>All of the experts you are talking about started 
>out some time as clueless newbies too. They didn't 
>become experts by asking questions, the answers to 
>which they could find themselves. 

Good point.

I didn't post a single thing to a Perl mailing list or newsgroup until
about a year and a half /after/ I started learning Perl. The main reason
why I didn't post is simply because I didn't really have to, since
virtually every question or problem I had was solvable by searching the web
or Dejanews. There are very very few totally "original" problems that no
one has ever asked before, so chances are you'll find your answer just have to get off your ass and mke the initiative to find
and learn it for yourself first. Then after all your attempts, you are
truly stumped, that is the time to bug the "experts" ;) Thats what learning
and is all about.

This is why I have a big problem with most types of formal (esp. public)
education. Children are taught WHAT to learn, and not HOW to learn. In my
opinion, finding the right answer is nowhere near as important as the
process you took in order to arrive at that answer.


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