On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 20:24, Steve Bertrand<st...@ibctech.ca> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm still in the process of updating/replacing some accounting
> applications, and thought I'd ask for a peer review.

My version of your code is available at http://codepad.org/jrP45bUp
It has not been tested because I don't have the right environment for
it, but it does pass perl -c.
What follows are the notes I took while reviewing your code.

> my $config = Config::Tiny->new();
> $config = Config::Tiny->read( '/usr/local/etc/eagleaccounting.conf');

You don't need to call the new method if you are calling the read
method (it returns a new object), and you need to check to see if it
was able to create an object (in case the file doesn't exist, can't be
read, has the wrong format, etc).

my $config = Config::Tiny->read('/usr/local/etc/eagleaccounting.conf')
    or die "an error occurred while reading the config file:

> my $lib_dir = $config->{'global'}->{'lib_dir'};
> push (@INC, $lib_dir);

This is happening way to late to be useful, and you should almost
never modify @INC directly (use the lib pragma instead).  I also don't
see why you are doing it.  All of the modules have been loaded when
this code runs, and you have no calls to require.

> my $confirm_debug_run;

This variable is in the wrong scope.  Move it into the if.  In fact,
you should probably just say

my $confirm_debug_run = <STDIN>;

> $recipient = 'st...@ibctech.ca';

It is a good practice to create a dev email account for this sort of
debug message.  When you leave someone else will be responsible for
dealing with the application and they shouldn't have to change the
code because of that.

> $confirm_debug_run = <>;

Besides what I said above, <> by itself is magic, if there are any
items in @ARGV, it will open them and try to read from them.  If you
are trying to interact with a human you should say <STDIN>.

> my $present_date        = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'America/New_York');

You have a config file, why isn't the timezone in it?  Or better yet
take it from the system the code is running on.

> my $present_month_name  = $present_date->month_abbr();
> my $present_month_num   = $present_date->month;
> my $present_year        = $present_date->year;
> my $present_date_string = "$present_month_name $present_year";

$present_month_num is not used and should be removed.  Also, consider
changing the code to

my $present_date_string = $present_date->month_abbr . " " . $present_date->year;

to get rid of the useless temporary variables.

> my $eagleuser = EagleUser->new();
> my @userlist  = $eagleuser->get_inf_user_list(0);
> undef $eagleuser;

The variable $eagleuser has too large a scope.  You can tell this
because you are bothering to undef it.  Also, the variable servers no
purpose.  You have two good choices.  The safest thing is to say

my @userlist = do {
    my $eagleuser = EagleUser->new
        or die "could not create EagleUser object";

But if you are certain that EagleUser will never fail to create an
object (or if it dies on its own if it fails to create an object) you
can say

my @userlist = EagleUser->new->get_inf_user_list(0);

and avoid the temporary variable completely.

> my (@users_over, @users_under, @users_grace) = ();

Arrays start empty, so the assignment of an empty list achieves nothing.

> my ($users_over_count, $users_under_count, $users_grace_count, $user_count) = 
> 0;

All of these values can be derived from the arrays, so they are
useless.  And even worse, you only increment them, you never use their
values for anything. Get rid of them.

> my $users_to_email = {};

This is an odd choice, why not just use a hash?

my %users_to_email;

> foreach (@userlist) {
>       my $username = $_;

This is a very verbose and wasteful way of saying

for my $username (@userlist) {

> my $prefix   = substr($username, 0);

This variable is never used, it should be removed.

> my $user     = EagleUser->new();

Unless this class dies when it can't create an object, you should be saying

my $user = EagleUser->new
   or die "could not create an EagleUser object";

> my $hours_left = 0;

This variable is not used in this scope.  It should not be declared
here and definitely should not be set to zero.

> foreach (1..5) {

This looks like a magical constant.  I distrust those.  You might want
to add a comment explaining why you are running the code five times.
You also are using the value in the body of the loop, so it would be a
good idea to give it a descriptive name.

for my $plan_num (1 .. 5) {

> my $plan_name_string   = "Plan".$_."name";
> my $plan_hours_string  = "Plan".$_."hours";
> my $plan_over_string   = "Plan".$_."over_rate";
> my $plan_status_string = "Plan".$_."status";

The name string is not descriptive of the contents, a better name would be key.
Use interpolation, not the concatenation operator:

my $plan_name_key   = "Plan${plan_num}name";
my $plan_hours_key  = "Plan${plan_num}hours";
my $plan_over_key   = "Plan${plan_num}over_rate";
my $plan_status_key = "Plan${plan_num}status";

Also, when you name a set of variables with the same prefix it is
generally a sign that you really want a hash.  A hash would also be
easier to initialize:

my %plan_key = map { $_ => "Plan{$plan_num}$_" } qw/name hours
over_rate status/;

> my $plan_name   = $user->{$plan_name_string};
> my $plan_hours  = $user->{$plan_hours_string};
> my $plan_over = $user->{$plan_over_string};
> my $plan_status = $user->{$plan_status_string};

Similarly, this looks like another unrolled hash:

my %plan = @{$user}{values %plan_keys};

> if (($plan_name and $plan_name =~ /[Pp]lan[BbCcDd]/) and ($plan_hours and 
> $plan_hours > 0) and $plan_over > 0 and $plan_status ne 'delete') {

Wow, that is a long if statement, it is nice if you break statements
like this up into more digestible chunks.  And you need to use the
defined operator rather than just testing the value of the item.
Also, the parentheses are unnecessary; (a and b) and (c and d) is the
same as a and b and c and d.  You would need parentheses if you threw
an or in there, but there aren't any, so there is not point in
cluttering up the expression with them:

if (
    defined $plan{name}  and $plan{name} =~ /[Pp]lan[BbCcDd]/ and
    defined $plan{hours} and $plan{hours} > 0                 and
    $plan{over} > 0                                           and
    $plan{status} ne 'delete'
) {

Furthermore, the rest of the code in this loop lives inside this if
statement.  This means you have an unnecessary level of indentation.
I prefer to say things like

next unless
    defined $plan{name}  and $plan{name} =~ /[Pp]lan[BbCcDd]/ and
    defined $plan{hours} and $plan{hours} > 0                 and
    $plan{over} > 0                                           and
    $plan{status} ne 'delete';

which saves me a level of indentation and lets the reader know that
they don't need to worry about this conditional having another branch
later on.

> my $hours_lookup = RadiusMgmt->new();

Again, unless your classes die on their own when they run into
trouble, you should be checking to see if a valid object came back:

my $hours_lookup = RadiusMgmt->new
    or die "could not create a RadiusMgmt object";

If this class has an error variable or method, you should use or call
it and add the message to the die.

> my $hours_used   = ($hours_lookup->get_month_hours($dbh, $username, 
> $search_date, 'dialup'));

Why are you creating a list here?  Just say

my $hours_used = $hours_lookup->get_month_hours($dbh, $username,
$search_date, 'dialup');

> undef $hours_lookup;

Again, this is a sign that you have done something wrong.
$hours_lookup should either not exist, or it should be restricted to a
smaller scope.  You can use the same techniques from the EagleUser
comment above.

> if ($hours_used < $plan_hours) {
>       $hours_left = ($plan_hours - $hours_used);
>       push (@users_under, "$username $plan_name under by $hours_left 
> hours\n");
>       $users_under_count++;
>       $user_count++;
> # grace
> } elsif (($hours_used - $plan_hours) <= 2) {
>       push (@users_grace, "$username $plan_name was within 2 hour grace\n");
>       $users_grace_count++;
>       $user_count++;
> # over
> } elsif ($hours_used > $plan_hours) {
>       $hours_left = ($hours_used - $plan_hours);
>       push (@users_over, "$username $plan_name over by $hours_left hours\n");
>       $users_to_email->{$username}->{$plan_name_string} = $hours_left;
>       $users_over_count++;
>       $user_count++;
> }

You are recalculating some version of $hours_used - $plan_hours
several times.  This is wasteful.  Also, the last elsif is pointless,
it must be true based on the other if and elsif statements, so it
should just be an else.  I would write it like this

my $hours_left = $plan_hours - $hours_used;
if ($hours_used > 0) {
    push @users_under, "$username $plan{name} under by $hours_left hours\n";
} elsif ($hours_left >= -2) {
    push @users_grace, "$username $plan{name} was within 2 hour grace\n";
} else {
    push @users_over, "$username $plan{name} over by $hours_left hours\n";
    $users_to_email{$username}{$plan{name}} = $hours_left;

> undef $user;

This is unnecessary, $user will be destroyed when it goes out of scope.

> #while ( my ($username, $planname) = each (%{$users_to_email})) {
> #     while ( my ($key, $value) = each (%{$planname})) {
> #             print "$username :: $key => $value\n";
> #     }
> #}

Don't leave commented chunks of code in your program.  That is what a
source control program is for.  You are using a source control program

> my $user = EagleUser->new;

see above

> $user->build_inf_user($username);

You already had this.  Unless this object takes up a large amount of
memory, it is wasteful to keep creating it.  You might want to save
the object in the hash.

> my $plan_hours_allowed_string   = $plan.'hours';
> my $plan_hours_allowed        = $user->{$plan_hours_allowed_string};

Why not just say

my $plan_hours_allowed = $user->{"${plan}hours"};

> my $client_email_overhours_tpl = Template->new( ABSOLUTE => 1);
> $client_email_overhours_tpl->process("$template_dir/$client_invoice_tpl", 
> \%client_msg_template_data) or warn $client_email_overhours_tpl->error;

If this is in fact Template::Toolkit, then you are supposed to call

my $client_email_overhours_tpl = Template->new( ABSOLUTE => 1);

once outside the loop and reuse it by calling the process each time
through the loop.

> undef %client_msg_template_data;

Like the other cases, this is unnecessary, it will go out of scope and
be destroyed in a few lines.

> exit();

That looks like a line left over from some debugging you were doing.
It will cause the program to stop after it sends the very first email.
 I suggest when you are dropping in debug code you either put it in an
if statement:

exit if $debug;

or you tag it with a comment so you can find it later easily:

#FIXME: this is a debug statement

> if ($email_accounting) {

Again, don't leave your reader in suspense.  The rest of the code for
this program is in this if statement.  It should really be reworded to
let the reader know that right now (rather than forcing them to read
the rest of code to find out if there is an else statement or more

exit unless $email_accounting;

Chas. Owens
The most important skill a programmer can have is the ability to read.

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