Jonathan Harris wrote:

Hi Igor

Many thanks for your response

I have started reviewing the things you said
There are some silly mistakes in there - eg not using closedir
It's a good lesson in script vigilance

I found the part about opening the file handle particularly interesting
I had no idea that

open my $wr_fh, '>', File::Spec->catfile($path, $dircontents, '.md5') or
die $!, $/

was possible

Now it's time to sit down and digest all this......and rewrite the script
to make it better!

Igor made a lot of good points. Here are my two cents worth. You are using the File::Find module to traverse the file system and add new files along the way. This _may_ cause problems on some file systems. It would probably be better to get a list of applicable files first and then use that list to create your new files. And you should have some way to handle the situation where a file exists that already has an '.md5' file or an '.md5' file exists with no corresponding plain file.

Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and
more complex... It takes a touch of genius -
and a lot of courage to move in the opposite
direction.                   -- Albert Einstein

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