Hi Jonathan,

Argh, really stupid mistake by me. ) But let's use it to explain some
points a bit further, shall we?
A skilled craftsman knows his tools well, and Perl programmer (with CPAN as
THE collection of tools of all sizes and meanings) has an advantage here: even
if documentation is a bit vague about what's going on, we are (usually)
able to check the code itself to find the answers. )

By browsing File::Spec source (found via 'Source' link within the
'File::Spec' page at CPAN)...
...we soon discover that this module is essentially an adapter for modules
like File::Spec::Unix, File::Spec::Mac, File::Spec::Win32 etc.
So our search goes on (as your mention of .DS_Store file implies) over

Now we may either check the documentation (which clearly states that only
the last argument to catfile is considered a filename, and all the others
will be concatenated with catdir), or look right into the code - and come
to the same conclusion:

sub catfile {
    my $self = shift;
    return '' unless @_;
    my $file = pop @_;
    return $file unless @_;
    my $dir = $self->catdir(@_);
    $file =~ s/^://s;
    return $dir.$file;

So what should we do now? ) Of course, give milk to our cat... and
arguments to File::Spec's catfile! ) Like this:

File::Spec->catfile($path, $dircontents . '.md5')
... or this...
File::Spec->catfile($path, "$dircontents.md5")
(check 'variable interpolation in Perl' to see why it's possible - and why
this is essentially the same as previous codeline)
... or even this ...
File::Spec->catfile($path, join '.', $dircontents, 'md5')
(but that would be a bit overkill, of course :)

Speaking of overkills: you used regex (=~ /^\./) to check whether the line
begins with a dot - or not. )
It's ok for this task, but you probably should know that these checks may
be also done with (substr($line, 0, 1) eq '.') code,
which will be a bit (up to 30% at my PC when Benchmark'ed) faster.

-- iD

2011/12/30 Jonathan Harris <jtnhar...@googlemail.com>

> I tried to use your suggestion
> open my $wr_fh, '>', File::Spec->catfile($path, $dircontents, '.md5') or
> die $!, $/
> but it returned an error on the command line:
>  'Not a directory'
>  At which point the program dies (which is what it is supposed to do!)
>  I used it inside the loop - sorry to bug you for clarification
> ####
> if ($dircontents=~/^\./ || -d $dircontents) {
>  next;
> }
> This is also to avoid the file .DS_Store

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