dear all,

I have a question about datatables (jquery). I have been trying although with a simple file, it is not displaying in a browser (got 500 internal server error), but in CLI is working.

here is the HTML side:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use URI::Escape;
use strict;

print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
print "<html>\n";
print "<head>\n";

print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"\";>\n";

print "<script src=\"\";></script>\n";
print "<script src=\"\";></script>\n";
print "<script>
\$(document).ready( function () {
    \$('#pt_table').DataTable( {
        serverSide: true,
        processing: true,
        lengthMenu: [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ],
        columns: [ [ {'sName': 'Child_ID'}, {'sName': 'Full_Name_EN'}, {'sName': 'Full_Name_KH'}, {'sName': 'Gender'}, {'sName': 'Date_of_Birth'}  ]
        pageLength: 10,
        ajax: {
            url: '',
            type: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json'
    } );
} );
print "</head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "<table id=\"pt_table\" class=\"display\">\n";
    print "<thead>\n";
    print "<tr>\n";
        print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding: 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid #111111;\" width=12%>Child ID</th>\n";         print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding: 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid #111111;\">Full Name EN</th>\n";         print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding: 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid #111111;\">Full Name KH</th>\n";         print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding: 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid #111111;\" width=12%>Gender</th>\n";         print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding: 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid #111111;\" width=12% >Date of Birth</th>\n";
    print "</tr>\n";
    print "</thead>\n";
    print "<tbody>\n";
        print "<tr>\n";
            print "<td colspan=\"5\" class=\"dataTables_empty\">...</td>\n";
        print "</tr>\n";
    print "</tbody>\n";
print "</table>\n";

print "</body>\n";
print "</html>\n";


here is the ajax file used in the query.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use URI::Escape;
use strict;
use DBI;
use CGI qw(:standard);
use Time::Format;
use JSON;
use JSON::XS;
use Log::Log4perl;
use Data::Dumper;

my ($logger, $data) = "";

# Initialize Logger
my $log_conf ='/var/www/html/logs/log4perl.conf';  #config file with logger parameters
$logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("children_dynamic_finder_ajax");

#$logger->info("Info message");

#my @columns = qw/child_id Full_Name_EN Full_Name_KH gender Date_of_Birth/;
my @columns = qw/Id,ContactCode,FirstNameEN,NameEN,FirstNameKH,NameKH,Gender,DateOfBirth/;
print @columns;

my $q = CGI->new;
my $params = $q->Vars;
#$logger->info("Parameter's received: " . Dumper($params));
print $params;

#my $table_length = $q->param('pt_table_length');
my $server2 = 'localhost';
my $db2 = 'css';
my $username2 = 'root';
my $password2 = 'PSE#2019';

my $dbh2 = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db2:$server2", $username2, $password2);
my $sql_count = "select count(id) from Contacts";
my $count = $dbh2->selectrow_arrayref($sql_count)->[0];

$dbh2 = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db2:$server2;mysql_enable_utf8mb4=1", $username2, $password2);
# Start building up the database query
my @values;
my $sql = "select Id,ContactCode,FirstNameEN,NameEN,FirstNameKH,NameKH,Gender,DateOfBirth from Contacts";

# if a search parameter was supplied in the AJAX call, build the WHERE part in the SQL statement
if( $params->{sSearch} ){
    $sql .= ' WHERE ';
    $sql .= 'ContactCode LIKE ? OR FirstNameEN LIKE ? or NameEN LIKE ? or Gender LIKE ? or DateOfBirth LIKE ?';     push @values, ('%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%');

# if a sorting parameter was supplied in the AJAX call, build up the ORDER BY part in the SQL statement
if( $params->{iSortingCols} ){
    $sql .= ' ORDER BY';
    foreach my $c (0 .. ( $params->{iSortingCols} -1 )){
        $sql .= ' ' . $columns[ $params->{"iSortCol_$c"} ] . ' ' . $params->{"sSortDir_$c"};
        $sql .= ','
    $sql =~ s/,$//;

# Limit the output and also allow to paginate or scroll infinitely
#print $table_length;
$sql .= " LIMIT ? OFFSET ?";
push @values, (($params->{iDisplayLength} > 0 ? $params->{iDisplayLength} : 25), ( $params->{iDisplayStart} // 0));
print ($sql);
# Fetch the data from the database
$data = $dbh2->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => [] }, @values);
print ($data);

# Return the JSON object
print $q->header('application/json');
my $json = encode_json({ aaData => $data, iTotalRecords => $count, iTotalDisplayRecords => $count, sEcho => int($params->{sEcho}) }); #my $json = encode_json({ tableLength => $table_length, iTotalRecords => $count, params=>$params, iTotalDisplayRecords => $count, sEcho => int($params->{sEcho}) });

print $json;


I tried to understand, by doing the inspect element, nothing appears in debugger.

Please help....

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