You may want to give us the entire error msg.  If it's saying an
invalid char, it may be an actual non-ascii char in the text of the
program, not necessarily from the data, though that might depend upon
how you're displaying the data.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 11:26 PM Eko Budiharto <> wrote:
> dear Andy and all,
> I opened and read the apache error log. it said there is an invalid
> character. And I think there is a unicode character. My question is also
> how to pass a unicode data from mysql to a browser through JSON.
> in the mysql connection, I already enable utf8mb4, but I do not know how
> to enable specific charset in JSON.
> On 16/07/19 01.01, Andy Bach wrote:
> >> I have been trying although with a simple file, it is not displaying in a 
> >> browser (got 500 internal server error)
> > 500 errors mean the actual error msg is in the httpd error log (e.g.
> > /var/log/httpd/error_log) and often are about permissions or paths or
> > simple syntax errors.  But it does mean that your probably not
> > actually running anything, the script is dying at interpolation time.
> >
> >



Andy Bach,
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

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