> I have been trying although with a simple file, it is not displaying in a 
> browser (got 500 internal server error)

500 errors mean the actual error msg is in the httpd error log (e.g.
/var/log/httpd/error_log) and often are about permissions or paths or
simple syntax errors.  But it does mean that your probably not
actually running anything, the script is dying at interpolation time.

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 3:29 AM Eko Budiharto <eko.budiha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> dear all,
> I have a question about datatables (jquery). I have been trying although
> with a simple file, it is not displaying in a browser (got 500 internal
> server error), but in CLI is working.
> here is the HTML side:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use URI::Escape;
> use strict;
> print "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n";
> print "<html>\n";
> print "<head>\n";
> print "<link rel=\"stylesheet\"
> href=\"http://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/css/jquery.dataTables.min.css\";>\n";
> print "<script
> src=\"http://cdn.datatables.net/1.10.19/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js\";></script>\n";
> print "<script src=\"https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.js\";></script>\n";
> print "<script>
> \$(document).ready( function () {
>      \$('#pt_table').DataTable( {
>          serverSide: true,
>          processing: true,
>          lengthMenu: [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ],
>          columns: [ [ {'sName': 'Child_ID'}, {'sName': 'Full_Name_EN'},
> {'sName': 'Full_Name_KH'}, {'sName': 'Gender'}, {'sName':
> 'Date_of_Birth'}  ]
>          pageLength: 10,
>          ajax: {
>              url: 'children_dynamic_finder_ajax.pl',
>              type: 'POST',
>              dataType: 'json'
>          }
>      } );
> } );
> </script>\n";
> print "</head>\n";
> print "<body>\n";
> print "<table id=\"pt_table\" class=\"display\">\n";
>      print "<thead>\n";
>      print "<tr>\n";
>          print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding:
> 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid
> #111111;\" width=12%>Child ID</th>\n";
>          print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding:
> 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid
> #111111;\">Full Name EN</th>\n";
>          print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding:
> 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid
> #111111;\">Full Name KH</th>\n";
>          print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding:
> 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid
> #111111;\" width=12%>Gender</th>\n";
>          print "<th style=\"font-face=arial; font-size=10px; padding:
> 10px 18px; border-top: 1px solid #111111; border-bottom: 1px solid
> #111111;\" width=12% >Date of Birth</th>\n";
>      print "</tr>\n";
>      print "</thead>\n";
>      print "<tbody>\n";
>          print "<tr>\n";
>              print "<td colspan=\"5\"
> class=\"dataTables_empty\">...</td>\n";
>          print "</tr>\n";
>      print "</tbody>\n";
> print "</table>\n";
> print "</body>\n";
> print "</html>\n";
> ----
> here is the ajax file used in the query.
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use URI::Escape;
> use strict;
> use DBI;
> use CGI qw(:standard);
> use Time::Format;
> use JSON;
> use JSON::XS;
> use Log::Log4perl;
> use Data::Dumper;
> my ($logger, $data) = "";
> # Initialize Logger
> my $log_conf ='/var/www/html/logs/log4perl.conf';  #config file with
> logger parameters
> Log::Log4perl::init($log_conf);
> $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger("children_dynamic_finder_ajax");
> #$logger->info("Info message");
> #my @columns = qw/child_id Full_Name_EN Full_Name_KH gender Date_of_Birth/;
> my @columns =
> qw/Id,ContactCode,FirstNameEN,NameEN,FirstNameKH,NameKH,Gender,DateOfBirth/;
> $logger->debug(@columns);
> print @columns;
> my $q = CGI->new;
> my $params = $q->Vars;
> #$logger->info("Parameter's received: " . Dumper($params));
> print $params;
> $logger->debug($params);
> #my $table_length = $q->param('pt_table_length');
> my $server2 = 'localhost';
> my $db2 = 'css';
> my $username2 = 'root';
> my $password2 = 'PSE#2019';
> my $dbh2 = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db2:$server2", $username2, $password2);
> my $sql_count = "select count(id) from Contacts";
> my $count = $dbh2->selectrow_arrayref($sql_count)->[0];
> $dbh2->disconnect();
> $dbh2 = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:$db2:$server2;mysql_enable_utf8mb4=1",
> $username2, $password2);
> # Start building up the database query
> my @values;
> my $sql = "select
> Id,ContactCode,FirstNameEN,NameEN,FirstNameKH,NameKH,Gender,DateOfBirth
> from Contacts";
> # if a search parameter was supplied in the AJAX call, build the WHERE
> part in the SQL statement
> if( $params->{sSearch} ){
>      $sql .= ' WHERE ';
>      $sql .= 'ContactCode LIKE ? OR FirstNameEN LIKE ? or NameEN LIKE ?
> or Gender LIKE ? or DateOfBirth LIKE ?';
>      push @values,
> ('%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%','%'.$params->{sSearch}.'%');
> }
> # if a sorting parameter was supplied in the AJAX call, build up the
> ORDER BY part in the SQL statement
> if( $params->{iSortingCols} ){
>      $sql .= ' ORDER BY';
>      foreach my $c (0 .. ( $params->{iSortingCols} -1 )){
>          $sql .= ' ' . $columns[ $params->{"iSortCol_$c"} ] . ' ' .
> $params->{"sSortDir_$c"};
>          $sql .= ','
>      }
>      $sql =~ s/,$//;
> }
> # Limit the output and also allow to paginate or scroll infinitely
> #print $table_length;
> $sql .= " LIMIT ? OFFSET ?";
> push @values, (($params->{iDisplayLength} > 0 ?
> $params->{iDisplayLength} : 25), ( $params->{iDisplayStart} // 0));
> print ($sql);
> # Fetch the data from the database
> $data = $dbh2->selectall_arrayref($sql, { Slice => [] }, @values);
> print ($data);
> # Return the JSON object
> print $q->header('application/json');
> my $json = encode_json({ aaData => $data, iTotalRecords => $count,
> iTotalDisplayRecords => $count, sEcho => int($params->{sEcho}) });
> #my $json = encode_json({ tableLength => $table_length, iTotalRecords =>
> $count, params=>$params, iTotalDisplayRecords => $count, sEcho =>
> int($params->{sEcho}) });
> print $json;
> $dbh2->disconnect();
> I tried to understand, by doing the inspect element, nothing appears in
> debugger.
> Please help....
> --
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Andy Bach,
608 658-1890 cell
608 261-5738 wk

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