At 06:01 AM 6/23/02 -0500, David T-G wrote:
>% Would you like tracing that goes off when you go into a function?  Suppose
>% if you gave a numeric argument to 't' it would trace up to that depth
>% in subroutine calls beneath the current level but not beneath?  That
>% might be doable (as a patch to the debugger).
>Hmmm...  That's a pretty attractive idea, actually.

I'll see if I can whack it out.  'Course, it won't show up in an actual 
release until 5.8.1, since 5.8.0 is on the verge of release.

>  The point of -x,
>which certainly isn't much for one used to a debugger, is simply to print
>out each command that goes on and, as a bonus, see the values the script
>has at the time, and it's expected that you just dump that (stderr) off
>to a file and peruse it at leisure.  The problem I've always had with a
>debugger is that you have to set breakpoints or step through EVERY SINGLE
>BLASTED STEP in order to see what's going on, and you want to not descend
>too far down into functions and such, and you still have to print values
>when you want to see how they're set at the time.

Hey, I have a class on how to use the debugger.  The last time I gave 
it was on the Perl Whirl cruise in the Caribbean.  Where were you? :-)

To not step every statement: mostly, use 'n' instead of 's'.  Get a 
quick window on the source with 'w' and skip ahead with 'c <line>'.  To 
get out of the current subroutine, use 'r'.  To print values 
automatically, or even conditionally, use actions.  To break at a loop 
statement part way through the loop, use conditional breakpoints.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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