dan said:
> Hi again!
> It's occured to me with my perl program near completion, that the person
> that's "hosting" my program isn't.. let's say.. "trustworthy enough" to
> not steal source. So i'm looking for way(s) to secure/encrypt/compile my
> source so it can't be stolen. It's running on a Linux system, with perl
> 5.8.0 installed. Any clues as to where I go from here?

The best way is to place a copyright message in the program, and maybe to
add a note saying that the code belongs to you and may not be used without
your permission.

Technical solutions don't work.  How much do big companies invest in
technical solutions?  How well do they work?

Having said that, you'll no doubt get a number of suggestions that might
make it harder to see the source.  Maybe that is sufficient for you.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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