Hi Anthony,

grabbed this from O'Reilly's Learning Perl :

@rocks = qw/ bedrock slate lava /;
foreach $rock (@rocks) {
  $rock = "\t$rock";              # put a tab in front of each element of
  $rock .= "\n";                  # put a newline on the end of each
print "The rocks are:\n", @rocks; # Each one is indented, on its own line

Still learning how to grab input from user via chomp, but this should help
you work out how to print out all entries in an array using the foreach
thingy :o)


-----Original Message-----
From: Anthony Beaman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 25 June 2003 13:24
Subject: Array Question

Hi! I'm still wallowing in Chapter 3 (Arrays. Why can't I get it?!?!?!?
ARGH!!!!!) of Learning Perl on Win32 Systems. I'm trying to create an
exercise but I'm not getting the results that I want. Here's what I'm trying
to do:

I'm asking for a list of names:

 print "Name your friends: ";
 @names = <STDIN>;

Then I want to pretend that I know the one of the friends. In this case,
I'll choose the 2nd one and here's where I'm not getting what I want:

  print "I know $names[1].\n";

The output shows "I know ." 

Isn't "$names[whatever]" what I'm supposed to use to get an element of the
array? I've tried this with numbers and have gotten the same results. What
am I doing wrong? Thanks! :-)

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