> Hello,
> I'm working with a GIF generator and I've a little problem using
> array as parameters: 
> This call works perfectly:
>       $my_graph->set(
>               markers => [1,2],
>       # kind of markers (here, 2 markers)
>               marker_size => $marker_size,            # size
> of markers
>               );
> As I use a variable as parameter for "marker_size", I want to do the
> same for "marker". 
> So I try:
>       $markers = "1-2";
>       @tab_tmp = split("-",$markers);
> # Here I have the same thing that:    @tab_tmp = ("1","2"); # and thats'
> OK. 
> # And now, using the array as parameter:
>       $my_graph->set(
>               markers => \@tab_tmp,
> # kind of markers
>               marker_size => $marker_size,            # size
> of markers
>               );
> But this don't work. I'm sure of getting the righ value in the array,
> so the problem came from "\@tab_tmp". What is the right syntax?

That syntax looks OK, so there must be something else going on. You need to
define "don't work".

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