On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 14:15:17 -0400
Casey West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It was Thursday, July 31, 2003 when GregorioGonzalez took the soap
> box, saying:: Hello:
> : 
> : I have heard that PERL is more valuable than learning C++ in terms
> of: IT, etc.
> : 
> : What is your view of the matter.
> I agree.
> I'm a case-in-point.  In university I learnt C++ in the classroom,
> Perl on my own time.  I've never once found a decent C++ gig, and have
> been working steady using Perl ever since.  
> Your milage may vary, however.
>   Casey West


There's an excellent article by Lincoln Stein called "How perl saved the
human genome project" or something like that. I'm sure it would be easy
to find with a google search. Perl has the reputation (deserved IMHO) of
being the easiest language for the non-computer scientist to learn.



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