On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 02:00:03PM -0700, Gupta, Sharad wrote:
> I may be missing something, but the doc for ENV says:
> " Arrays are implemented in terms of split and join,
> using $Config::Config{path_sep} as the delimiter. "
> Now if i split this:
> Foo = C:\foo\bar:D:\foo\bar
> using:
> use Env qw(@Foo);
> print "$_\n" foreach (@Foo);
> i guess it would print the whole Foo instead of printing
> 2 elements C:\foo\bar and D:\foo\bar, because the
> $Config::Config(path_sep) is not ":" on windows.

That makes sense -- I didn't catch the Windows path
in your example.


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