> There are several XML and XSLT modules from CPAN that can 
> help achiving aforementioned requiremnts, CGI.pm will not ...

The OP was interested in parsing form data, apparently from html.

Yes CGI does not parse/handle XML, 
You would need an XML handling type module to do that.

And this self brew thing is going to parse and handle XML then also?
That would be a learning experience.

CGI also does not make coffee,
You would need a coffee maker of some sort to do that.

The fact still remains, it's a bad idea to parse your own input, 
whether it's html, xml, whatever - if there's a standard, portable, 
safe, etc way to do it.

My last 0.02, this is getting anoying. Do what you want.

> And this is not a joke :-)

Yes it is! :)

> My 0.02
> José.

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