Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>> "Rob" == Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Km> i am  just curious -- is perl 6 coming with a compiler ?
> >>
> >> Why would they remove a feature already available since Perl 1?
> Rob> I think you and I both know what Km means by a 'compiler'.
> No. I don't we can possibly know precisely what is meant without
> elaboration.

Nobody asked for your precise knowledge. In fact Perl's whole thesis
is opposite to that idea. The DWIM semantics are core to the whole

> Hence, I'll answer the answer that matters the most to me. :)
> Most people that want a "compiler" (in the sense of creating an
> executable) either aren't paying attention, or have nefarious schemes
> in mind.  So, I'll answer the answer that actually fits the Perl
> world.

Sorry, but I can't grasp this one at all! Aren't paying attention
to what? And what sort of nefarious schemes? Aren't we in danger
of driving Perl under ground here? :)

Just to pick the remainder of your nits, a compiler traditionally
creates an object file. A linker will then form an executable image
out of those parts. That's still very much a valid model: how nice it
would be to compile a.pl and b.cpp and assemble c.asm and then just
link the three with all necessary libraries! But then it wouldn't
be the language that it is.

Here's to symbiotic nit-picking!



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