On Sun, 7 Dec 2003 11:34:11 -0600
"Charles K. Clarkson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
>     A recent job posting has left me curious. I would never
> take a full time job as a programmer or as anything else for
> that matter. I just don't make a good employee any more.
> Been there. Done that.
>     The job posting demanded a college degree. I had one
> semester of college 20 years ago and normally classify
> myself as "finished high school". I'm curious: What level of
> education have list members attained?
> TEA,
> Charles K. Clarkson
> -- 
> Head Bottle Washer,
> Clarkson Energy Homes, Inc.
> Mobile Home Specialists
> 254 968-8328

I chose the liberal arts route, and ended up with a degree in economics and history. 
Its funny, when I was younger and looking for work out of college, nobody asked me 
*what* I'd studied. 
I realize now that what you study in school and what you end up doing for a living can 
be very different. In defense of a college liberal arts education, what college gave 
me was the ability to read, understand and analyze what was being said. This ability 
to read and read more has stood me in good stead in my career as a Unix admin and 
later on perl programmer.
I guess nobody needs a college degree to get a job. A college degree, especially a 
liberal arts one, I would like to think, invests a person with some knowledge of the 
world they live and and gives them skills to carve out a life they want.



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