--As off Saturday, December 20, 2003 2:23 PM -0600, Andrew Gaffney is alleged to have said:

I want to write a Perl program that will auto generate GIF images.
The images that I want to generate will be about 30x80. It will be
a black rectangle starting in the bottom-right with a few pixels
border on the top and left. There will be a light blue rectangle
starting in the top-left with a few pixels border on the bottom and
right. There will then be 6- or 8-point black bold centered text
that will be specified when the program is run. The background also
need to be transparent. Can anyone give me any pointers on writing
a Perl program that can do what I need? Links to examples are good
too. Thanks.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I believe I would start by looking at the Imager module on CPAN. According to the docs it (and it's sub modules) can do all you want.

Sorry I can't help more.

Daniel T. Staal

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