Wiggins d Anconia wrote:
Please bottom post...

I hate bottom posting... but alas... scroll down. :)

Sorry, I didn't mean to not include everyone on my reply...

The reason I need a new window (and I did actually mean _blank), is because this is for a Library portal site which has a limited window view. Our users actually (almost) demand a new window because they don't want to have to hit their back button 20 times to get back to their customized list of electronic Library resources.

Ah, I love tab capable browsers ;-). (I know it is unreasonable to force
your users to use one.)

And so, if I don't open a new window, then they will complain that they cannot see the site they want to see (because the window is too small) and they have now lost their portal site, which they need to open other sites in order to compare for their research, etc.

Not entirely sure why this is determined after the script has been
called though? Why not have the list of links modified to force a new
target on the initial link rather than on submission?

I am modifying current open sourced software that's already in place, though not yet in production mode for our users.

Does that help explain why I need it? What would you suggest at this



Sort of. What I don't understand is why do you have to decide on the
server side, post-request that the result will be in a new window? Couldn't the original "portal" page just use targets like normal?

It's a database driven site and so, unfortunately, it is all server side, at least for this purpose. So are you telling me there's no real way in perl to do this?


Tim McGeary
Senior Library Systems Specialist
Lehigh University

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