> Jan Eden wrote:
> > Tim McGeary wrote on 13.07.2004:
> > 
> > 
> >>Wiggins d Anconia wrote: <snip>
> >>
> >>>>>Sort of. What I don't understand is why do you have to decide on
> >>>>>the server side, post-request that the result will be in a new
> >>>>>window? Couldn't the original "portal" page just use targets like
> >>>>>normal?
> >>>>
> >>>>It's a database driven site and so, unfortunately, it is all
> >>>>server side, at least for this purpose.  So are you telling me
> >>>>there's no real way in perl to do this?
> >>>
> >>>Right, but again, assuming the page they are linking from is driven
> >>>then set the target at the time of the original display rather than
> >>>during the link through?  Aka the user goes to the site, is
> >>>presented a list of links that are from search results, I am
> >>>assuming they will click one of those links to see a detail
> >>>listing, seeing that detailed listing in a new window is what you
> >>>are after?  Rather than trying to set the new window after the
> >>>click, you set it when the list is presented originally. Perl isn't
> >>>really involved in this because it is running on the server side,
> >>>other than you will need to modify how your original result page
> >>>(the one they click on) is displayed.
> >>
> >>That won't work (just tried it).  I cannot set a target in the DB.
> >>
> > 
> > 
> > Sorry, if I do not get you right, but... can't your script provide a
link list like this:
> > 
> > <ul>
> >     <li><a href="detail.pl?id=1234" target="_blank">Item 1234</a></li>
> >     <li><a href="detail.pl?id=1235" target="_blank">Item 1235</a></li>
> >     <li><a href="detail.pl?id=1236" target="_blank">Item 1236</a></li>
> >     <li><a href="detail.pl?id=1237" target="_blank">Item 1237</a></li>
> > </ul>
> > 
> > This is what Wiggins meant when writing "modify your original
results page" (as far as I understand him). It has nothing to do with
the database nor with Perl. But it works, opening a new window when the
user clicks on a link.
> > 
> > - Jan
> Actually, I later realized this and indeed am looking into that 
> possibility.  :)  I guess I should have responded as such.  Thank you 
> for the reminder.

Yeh that is what I was getting at, obviously didn't do the best job
explaining :-).  (Tim, since you mentioned it was OSS I assumed you
could manipulate the link providing script.) If *all* else fails you
could always wrap the script call to the DB, with a second 'proxy'
script that calls the original page, parses it, and dynamically adds the
targets, but this is very *icky* compared to just modifying the original


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