Please group reply so others can help and be helped.

> Wiggins d Anconia wrote:
> > Please bottom post...
> I hate bottom posting...  but alas...  scroll down.  :)

Yes but it makes it easier to follow (you can always snip so as not to
force a long scroll)....

> >>Sorry, I didn't mean to not include everyone on my reply...

You did the last time but not this time, hmph.


> > Sort of. What I don't understand is why do you have to decide on the
> > server side, post-request that the result will be in a new window? 
> > Couldn't the original "portal" page just use targets like normal?
> It's a database driven site and so, unfortunately, it is all server 
> side, at least for this purpose.  So are you telling me there's no real 
> way in perl to do this?

Right, but again, assuming the page they are linking from is driven then
set the target at the time of the original display rather than during
the link through?  Aka the user goes to the site, is presented a list of
links that are from search results, I am assuming they will click one of
those links to see a detail listing, seeing that detailed listing in a
new window is what you are after?  Rather than trying to set the new
window after the click, you set it when the list is presented
originally. Perl isn't really involved in this because it is running on
the server side, other than you will need to modify how your original
result page (the one they click on) is displayed.

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