On Thu, Sep 09, 2004 at 07:41:56PM -0400, Chris Devers wrote:

> On Fri, 10 Sep 2004, Reinhold Riedersberger wrote:
> >ich habe ein für mich seltsames Problem:

> This is an English language list.
> Please pose your question in English, not German.

I don't know about that.  Whilst it's true that the majority of
questions will likely get better or faster answers if they are in
English I see no reason to prohibit people from posting in other
languages.  I would far rather see a well crafted question in a language
other than English than a bad question in English, whether that is
because the questioner's English is not very strong or because the
questioner has not put in the effort to ask a good question.

Now, at the time that Reinhold posted it is likely that the majority of
the German speakers on this list were asleep, but I wouldn't have been
at all surprised if he had received a reply in German today, had he not
already reposted in English.

Perl is used all over the world.  The last three YAPC::EU conferences
have been in non-English speaking countries, even though the conferences
themselves have been conducted predominantly in English.  There are
numerous local workshops held in languages other than English.  Many of
those who develop Perl and CPAN modules are not native English speakers.
I'm pleased about that.  I think it brings a diversity and strength to
the Perl community.  It also allowed me to move to Switzerland to hack
Perl :-)

We often point people to mjd's piece on "Why Questions go Unanswered" at
http://perl.plover.com/Questions.html  The end of the first paragraph
seems relevant here.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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