atul ashpalia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

: I want to create runtime controls on the same webpage.
: For example, my webpage will contain a textbox, a
: hyperlink & a submit button.
: I want to achieve the following functionality:
: That is, if i click on the hyperlink, a new textboxes
: should be placed below the first one, if i click the
: second time on the hyperlink, another new textbox will
: be appended/placed below the 2nd one...and so on...

    Yes, that is complicated, but easy to write. How
are you generating the form now? Show us your code to
process it without the link to add fields and we can
help you do the rest.

: Then on submit button, a new page is called where the
: data will be displaced which the user enters.

    The documentation for can show you how to do
this. is part of the standard distribution.


Charles K. Clarkson
Mobile Homes Specialist
254 968-8328

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