> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mumia W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 10, 2006 11:55 AM
> To: Beginners List
> Subject: Re: write out filenames of files existing on a filesystem
> afile
> Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> >>>>>> "Rob" == Rob Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > Rob>    my @new = grep /[^.]/, readdir DIR;
> >
> > This is still the wrong regex.  While it's narrow enough for
windows, it
> will
> > *break* on Unix.  No reason not to do the right thing here:
> >
> >         grep { $_ ne "." and $_ ne ".." } readdir DIR;
> >
> > Rob, I'm surprised you still posted this even after our private
> > exchange.  You were *told* in email that this regex is broken.
> >
> > Therefore, I will warn others to please discount Rob's postings in
> future,
> > [...]
> Not quite. Rob's program works for rational input data. I'm on *nux,
> I consider a filename of only periods to be invalid. All that's needed
> is a comment in the code that warns people that files consisting of
> periods, including '...', are excluded.

The regex that Rob put forth does not match only files consisting
entirely of periods, it matches any file that _starts_ with a period.
On a *nix system, a file such as '.bash_profile' would be matched.
Randal is correct.

> Your attack on Rob is uncalled-for.

I don't believe that Mr. Schwartz attacked the OP; he merely stated that
others should check Rob's responses for accuracy.  In fact, given that
this is a beginner's list, that probably holds true in other instances.
And the fact the Randal has written a little on the subject of Perl,
inclines me to trust his judgement.


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