On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 06:34:48PM -0400, Mr. Shawn H. Corey wrote:
> I think he owes you an apology, regardless of whether he was right or
> wrong, regardless of whether you were right or wrong.
> Not everyone who reads this mailing list posts to it. What impression
> would his comments leave on them? How can we encourage people to use
> Perl if they think they will receive harsh criticism? The fact that the
> criticism was to a response and not an original post is unimportant; the
> fact that is was done is.
> That's why I think he owes you an apology and a public one. After all,
> we don't want people frighten into learning that other language that
> starts with P ;)

I think it's about time to drop the subject.  This is getting
ridiculous.  Talk about Perl, not finger-pointing, please.

By the way, Python's a good language.  Sure, it makes my eyes bleed, and
it can't even do proper lexical closures, but it serves a lot of people
very well.  I don't really see how it would be such a bad thing for some
more people to use it.  Python and Perl need not compete as bitter

How about we have a nice, rousing discussion about the value of
developing a new Perl 5.x object model using lexical closures as the
basis for it rather than the bless() function and a cantankerous,
unwieldy syntax?  There's a discussion that would be much less tedious
than who's to blame for what indiscretions.

Either Mr. Schwartz will apologize for his tone, or he won't.  Either
Rob will admit that his solution wasn't ideal, or he won't.  At this
point, I think the one thing we can really aim for, and hope to get, as
a positive end to this is for you to stop slinging mud after others have
pretty much shut up about it (with minor exceptions).  This is a Perl
list, and not a Miss Manners list, after all.

How much do you think people who watch without participating might be
turned off by this discussion being dragged out even further by your
calls for public apologies?  Personally, I'd like any apologies to
happen off-list so we don't have to endure them.

How about that object model topic?  Does anyone have anything to say
about that?

CCD CopyWrite Chad Perrin [ http://ccd.apotheon.org ]
"It's just incredible that a trillion-synapse computer could actually
spend Saturday afternoon watching a football game." - Marvin Minsky

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