Thanks, I suppose I understand that code example from 'perldoc -f alarm' a 
little better.  But much of it remains mysterious.  e.g. the very first thing 
within eval.  The only brackets I've ever seen with variables are [] for list 
elements.  What's going on with {}?  And what a strange thing to set a variable 
to - seems to be neither string nor number, but a subroutine?  And why would 
you have a subroutine with just one line?  And how can you have a subroutine 
without a name?  And without a call to it?  Where is the thing being timed?  I 
understand something is being given 5 seconds, but what?  Why is the variable 
$SIG{ALRM} not used again?  Is there some significance to the name of that 
variable?  In 'perldoc -f alarm' there's mention of a SIGALRM, but I don't know 
what that is.
But I think we can ignore all those questions, because I don't see a need to 
work with this example.  I'm just looking for someone to tell me how alarm 
works.  A few sentences in English will be fine.  No code really need be 


"D. Bolliger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  hOURS am Donnerstag, 30. November 
2006 21:09:
> Jen Spinney  wrote:  On 11/20/06, hOURS  wrote:
> >  Recently I posed a question on here regarding a program I have that 
> > runs other programs (through require statements and what not). My 
> > problem was that the programs getting run might have syntax errors and  I
> > wanted to skip over each of those and go onto the next one. We  figured
> > out a way to handle that. It turns out however, that these  programs
> > sometimes have an even more troublesome problem: infinite  loops. I knew
> > about this possibility, but figured I would just use the  time function,
> > and if a program was taking to long, skip over it. Yeah,  that wasn't so
> > smart. I can't have the main program check the elapsed  time while the
> > required program is running its infinite loop. Or can I  somehow? Any
> > ideas anybody? Thank you.
> >         Fred Kittelmann
> Fred,
> Have you checked out the alarm function?  I'm a beginner myself and I
> had a similar problem earlier today.  alarm seemed to do it for me.
> Good luck!
> - Jen
>   Thanks Jen,
>   I've checked out alarm as much as I can.  My PERL textbook  scarcely
> mentions it.  Trying "perldoc -f alarm" was a little more  informative, but
> I still don't understand how to use this.  Can  anyone explain it to me?
> Fred

Does the following modified code example from 'perldoc -f alarm' helps?


use strict;
use warnings;

my $timeout=5; # secs

eval {
  # Assign a signal handler subroutine which is invoked in case
  # the alarm signal is sent
  local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; # NB: \n required

  # "send an alarm signal after $timeout seconds!"
  alarm $timeout;

  # to test a non-timeout die, uncomment following line:

  # the problem:

  # reset alarm timer: "Don't send alarm signal any more"
  alarm 0;

# Check if the code within eval died because of an alarm signal
# or something else. We check the die message for that.
if ($@) {
  if ($@ eq "alarm\n") {
    warn "endless_loop() interrupted after timeout\n";
  else {
    warn "code in eval died!\n";

warn "program continues...\n";

sub endless_loop { {} while 1 }


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