You can also set the environment variable PERL5LIB to whatever directory
that contains your
custom library files.

Amit Saxena

On Tue, Jul 1, 2008 at 6:32 PM, Gunnar Hjalmarsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Tobias Eichner wrote:
>> I have created a Perl library that I want to use with my programs
>> (via require). However the Perl library should be placed at a
>> sub-folder of the working directory (the place where the program
>> runs).
>> For example:
>> /my/custom/path/ is the location of the program.
>> /my/custom/path/libraries/ is the location where I want to place my
>> Perl libraries in.
>> How can I implement this considering that my Perl program will run on
>> different platforms with different ways of writing paths ?
>> Would it work to use require "./libraries/" on all platforms
>> (*nix, Windows, Mac, something else) ? I don't think so. Not sure if
>> paths can be used overall with require (not tried it yet).
>> My idea would be to use the standard module File::Spec to add the
>> path to my libraries to @INC. For example:
>> my $mylibpath = File::Spec->rel2abs("libraries/");
>> unshift(@INC,$mylibpath);
>> Is this a cross-platform compatible way ? Or is there a better
>> solution ?
> Both those methods assume that the path to the directory where the program
> resides equals the current working directory. That's often the case, but not
> always.
> Some would suggest the use of the FindBin module. It does the right thing,
> but unfortunately it is known to be buggy.
> In a similar case I chose to simply say
>    use lib 'libraries';
> and tell the users to manually change 'libraries' to the full path when
> necessary.
> --
> Gunnar Hjalmarsson
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