Western pleasure as a kid - friends horses, and circus style standing one footed
bareback ( read: on my bike = horse) Mostly I pretended to _be_ a horse way back then.

On to hunt seat in college and then:
1st owned horse a TB off the track, beautiful, black with a snip, Winbrose. A very dear
and much loved horse.

Currently: Solstice, now 21, my 1/2 Arabian who has been here since he was 6 weeks old.
He gets out for a spin once in a while, often without saddle or bridle, but is mostly a beautiful, loved pasture ornament these days.

And remembering Ginger the neighbor's delightful pony who retired here to keep Solstice
company and died just a few years ago at age 32. He loved children and was absolutely
reliable around them, however he did love to chase the dogs out of his paddock in the
nicest way.

Jill with Indie and Gabby

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