
You know that I have been very impressed by how you
have persevered and made the right contacts in the
process of starting your BMD breeding program.  I was
appalled to hear that you had been referred to as a
"puppy mill" but I knew you weren't... and am glad to
hear it was all a mistake.  I agree an apology would
be nice.  

But PLEASE do not make the mistake of over-empathizing
and/or over-sympathizing with careless breeders who
breed simply because they "want to" and would like
some extra cash (if things go just right which they
often do not).  You are simply not in that category. 
I can see how you would be sensitive about
mis-understood intentions since you were a victim of
that yourself.

I know at least one member of this list politely
contacted the poster about her pup, for more info -
and last I heard, the poster had not responded.  This
was recent and maybe she doesn't live on e-mail, so
she may get around to it later with a knowledgeable
reply.  I also get this list in digest form so am
often behind the latest posts.

Maybe I expect too much of people... but I'm sorry, I
do not understand how anyone could read Berner-l and
the info at and NOT realize that the
regional clubs are their best resource in a situation
like this.  True, the regional clubs expect a certain
standard of conduct in order to be "generally
accepted" - such things as health screening, both
litter parents on AKC full registration, etc.  So if
an individual has no intention of making any effort to
follow "generally accepted as responsible" breeding
practices, then contacting the club might not be worth
the effort, since they have no intention of learning
how to be a responsible breeder.  But for someone who
needs help but is well-intentioned, the regional club
is the place to start.  By advising the poster to
contact the closest club, I was actually assuming that
she was well-intentioned.  

By the way - I am pretty sure I saw an ad for this
litter on the internet somewhere - maybe not, but the
name rang a bell.  Coulda been just from Berner-l. 
AND, I am NOT against internet ads, by the way.  That
is not a condemnation of any sort.

This list is a wonderful source of info.  However, the
BEST source for a novice is the regional club.  There
is too much anonymity on the internet so it is hard to
know if someone is "good" or "bad" - I have made
assumptions both ways in the past, only to get more
reliable info later showing my initial assumption was
wrong.  My main assumption about this particular
poster was that she lacked some critical knowledge,
whether that assumption was right or wrong I do not
know.  However, as to her intentions I tried to assume
the best.

When you deal with this type of thing week in and week
out, and get involved with rescue of dogs from
irresponsible breeders (including some national club
members), it is hard not to get "preachy".  I know it
is offensive to quite a few people.  However, I am
basically intolerant when it comes to careless

I would like to find a way to encourage more breeders
to be responsible and knowledgeable - but I suspect
that many will not get the hang of health screening
until they get sued by the owners of the unsound pups
that they produced from unscreened parents.  True,
unsound pups can be produced from screened parents -
but at least if the parents are screened and clear and
from documented lines, there is evidence the breeder
did take the available measures to reduce the risks. 
When unsound pups are produced from unscreened
parents, there is no such evidence.

Different people have different approaches.
You can't please all of the people all of the time.
And I happen to know that I did not displease all of
the people this time, either.

I know I can't turn every breeder into a responsible
one - but if their intentions are good, I don't think
my attitude is going to change that.  For example, you
do not like my approach but it's not going to make you
breed a litter irresponsibly as a result, just to
spite me!  And some people, who just never thought of
the concept of responsible breeding before, may be
more enlightened as a result of this discussion. 

I really am not judgemental - last I checked, God
hasn't asked me to perform that duty for Him yet.  I
just am NOT tolerant of careless breeding and any
situation that raises red flags, will often prompt
some comment from me, comparing/contrasting
responsible vs irresponsible practices - whether or
not the actual situation is in fact a case of

Thanks for sending the photo of the pups!!!  Congrats
on your litter and thank you for setting a good
example for other novice BMD breeders.  I know you had
some hurdles to overcome, but you stayed the course
and did not compromise - I respect that immensely.

Sharon Montville - Firstrax - Colorado

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