I started a list of potential dog names (both registered & call names) when I 
was about 14 (this helps explain why I didn't date a lot as a teenager).  
Still have some good ones on there, waiting for the right dog!  

In my 30's, used to joke with my then-husband that when I turned 40 I was 
going to look like Christie Brinkley.  Alas, something went awry and that 
didn't happen, but since my 40th birthday present to myself was a lovely 
puppy imported from Switzerland, she had to be called "Brinkley" (Ch. Zenith 
v Bernetta).

Earlier dogs included Labrador "Fenway" (Polaris Green Monster CDX).  
Then-hubby, who was not a Red Sox fan, but was a Cardinal's fan, wanted the 
next dog named for his team.  Wanted to call her "Busch", after their 
stadium, but I refused.  So Ch. DeerPark Double Play, CD, became 
"Scarlet"...not for the team's colors, but because the owner of the team had 
an illegitimate daughter named Scarlett.  I was originally to have gotten a 
dog from a "C" litter, and her registered name would have been DeerPark 
Cardinal Sin.  (It would have been so good!)  Scarlet's son, Shiva, was named 
by the vet tech who spent 30 minutes reviving him after being born 7 days 
premature.  She said Shiva was the Egyptian god of energy.  Come to find out 
he was also a Hindu god of destruction.  He was my lesson that they always 
live up to their names!

Thus my next boy, who came along at a very difficult time in my life, was 
"Better", as in life has to get better.  Ch. Edelweiss Beacon v Polaris was 
my heart and soul until succumbing to histio on Dec. 4 at 9 1/2.   He was 
definitely the best named dog I ever had.

Joanne Prellberg
Polaris Bernese Mtn. Dogs
Scottsdale, AZ

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