We were not sure about how to choose a call name for Zeus, because the
breeder had not yet given
the litter a name (such as "the P litter", etc.). Because my daughter is
such an avid fan of mythology, she 
was pushing for Zeus. I was pushing for Romeo, my (then) 5 year old son was
pushing for Pokemon, and
my husband - looking at this 20 pound furry butterball - was pushing "My God
 how big is this puppy going to GET???"
The breeder eventually settled on the Summer litter, and his registered name
Sunshine's Summer Olympiad. His call name is Zeus, which turned out to be
very fitting in a comical way.
He is the biggest, most docile guy ever. Zeus is happiest when stretched out
on the bed or couch, which we
have labeled "Mount Olympus", home of Zeus (the Moose)....
But he's still MY sweet Romeo.

Antoinette & sweet Zeus
San Ramon, Ca. 

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