First of all this has nothing to do with you and you sister.  This has to do with 
dominance  issues between the dogs.  This sounds like it could be related to food and 
treats and could possibly be easily remedied by following some basic maintenance rules 
at meal time AND/OR treat times.  There is no reason why the dogs need rawhide chips, 
except that you may enjoy giving them, but understanding that it will breed this 
animosity, you need to decide how important it really is, as there is really no value 
to it nutritionally.  OK, first of all, bloodshed is NEVER a good sign and while many 
people ascribe to the "let them fight it out" technique , I do not.  If you are not 
sure, ask yourself, "If my dog lost the fight and were critically injured or killed, 
would I still be ok with it?"  Your answer would probably be a resounding, NO, so 
please avoid this method.  I wonder what you do differently at mealtimes that makes it 
"better" than when your sisiter feeds.  Do you feed your boy in another room?  
Personally, I would suspect that my recommendation at this pint would be that you buy 
a crate, put it in another room, and feed Henly in there.  Keep him in there until the 
other dogs have calmed down and are finished eating.  Follow the same procedure if and 
when you give treats.  Your sisters dogs are the pack and it may take months before 
your boy could find his place, and by then you will probably be ready to leave.  In 
case for some reason this is not entirely food related and your sister's dog decides 
to become "protective" over something inanimate like the remote, you may need to keep 
your boy separate when you are not able to supervise. 
Just my two cents.

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