Hi Tracey,
Don't be too hard on your Mom... Not so long ago it could have been
me... Our first Berner - and first dog - we bought from an ad. in a
local paper (1986).  We knew zip about pedigrees, BYBs, or anything
really.   Granted the learning curve was subsequently steep and fast,
but only because Hannah had multiple problems.  I do seem to remember
asking something about a club for Bernese people, but was told it was
just for professionals!
Then, in 1996, my son introduced me to the internet and we did a
search for Bernese, and my education began in earnest, thanks to the
Berner-L - I had been a member of the GB club for a number of years
by then, but it's surprising how much more I learnt just by listening
to people throwing their ideas back & forth.
There are still so many folk without the resources I've been lucky
enough to have, and if you've bought one dog from a farm, a flea
market, a pet shop, and had no problems, why would you suspect the
next would be any different?
My parents still think I verge on madness and tunnel vision when it
comes to the dog world... They have a miniature Dachs, bought from a
local paper ad.  She has epilepsy and a bad spine, but they just
accept that as something that happens.  They don't see the need to
spend even days on research, let alone months.  Admittedly, they were
appalled by the background of the 3 rescues (2 puppy farm females and
a dog from an extremely abusive home) I've had and saddened by the
early demise of others, but they accept that this is going to happen
to some dogs and as far as they are concerned, they are doing their
bit for dog-kind. They do try to persuade me I'm a fool to keep
taking in dogs that obviously have a multitude of problems and get
really aggravated when I insist that Bernese will always be part of
my life.
All we can do is hope to nudge PPOs gently in the right direction,
and gently educate the public by all the means we can.  It's going to
take a while for the internet generation to get the word around, but
the advances in the past few years have been wonderful.  We just have
to be patient and find the right words to effect even the most
stubborn of pet owners!!
Liz Bradbury in Scotland, with Roxie the bouncing Berner; Newfs Toby
and Maggie; & the 6 Feline Fiends.

On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 11:08:30 -0500, Tracey Conner wrote:
>Last month I learned where my mother had gotten her cute little toy

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