
Your comments brought to mind a problem I have had in
the recent past. I have come to know two women who
have purchased their dogs from pet stores, one is a
Schipperke and the other a Papillion. They are both of
my parents generation (non Internet). I am not
particularly close to either but they belong to a club
that my husband and I belong to and being dog owners
we have at least that in common. I have found that
neither did any research on their breeds, never
mentioned looking for a breeder, typical "just had to
have one" syndrome. 
I am not a particularly outspoken person, but I also
feel strongly regarding this subject and I am at a
loss as to how to enter into the topic of pet store
puppies. They are both so very proud of their pups and
the last thing I want to do is insult them. 
How do I go about opening the topic without offending
them? Without it seeming a direct insult to them and
their dogs. 
If they had Berners is would be a no brainer, but they
are not overly impressed with my big beautiful, hairy,
messy lovable dogs :-)
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Cheryl, Tessa & Tanner 

--- Liz Bradbury <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Tracey,
> Don't be too hard on your Mom... Not so long ago it
> could have been
> me... Our first Berner - and first dog - we bought
> from an ad. in a
> local paper (1986).  We knew zip about pedigrees,
> BYBs, or anything
> really.   Granted the learning curve was
> subsequently steep and fast,
> but only because Hannah had multiple problems.  I do
> seem to remember
> asking something about a club for Bernese people,
> but was told it was
> just for professionals!
> Then, in 1996, my son introduced me to the internet
> and we did a
> search for Bernese, and my education began in
> earnest, thanks to the
> Berner-L - I had been a member of the GB club for a
> number of years
> by then, but it's surprising how much more I learnt
> just by listening
> to people throwing their ideas back & forth.
> There are still so many folk without the resources
> I've been lucky
> enough to have, and if you've bought one dog from a
> farm, a flea
> market, a pet shop, and had no problems, why would
> you suspect the
> next would be any different?
> My parents still think I verge on madness and tunnel
> vision when it
> comes to the dog world... They have a miniature
> Dachs, bought from a
> local paper ad.  She has epilepsy and a bad spine,
> but they just
> accept that as something that happens.  They don't
> see the need to
> spend even days on research, let alone months. 
> Admittedly, they were
> appalled by the background of the 3 rescues (2 puppy
> farm females and
> a dog from an extremely abusive home) I've had and
> saddened by the
> early demise of others, but they accept that this is
> going to happen
> to some dogs and as far as they are concerned, they
> are doing their
> bit for dog-kind. They do try to persuade me I'm a
> fool to keep
> taking in dogs that obviously have a multitude of
> problems and get
> really aggravated when I insist that Bernese will
> always be part of
> my life.
> All we can do is hope to nudge PPOs gently in the
> right direction,
> and gently educate the public by all the means we
> can.  It's going to
> take a while for the internet generation to get the
> word around, but
> the advances in the past few years have been
> wonderful.  We just have
> to be patient and find the right words to effect
> even the most
> stubborn of pet owners!!
> Liz Bradbury in Scotland, with Roxie the bouncing
> Berner; Newfs Toby
> and Maggie; & the 6 Feline Fiends.
> On Tue, 15 Jul 2003 11:08:30 -0500, Tracey Conner
> wrote:
> >Last month I learned where my mother had gotten her
> cute little toy
> >poodle
> >

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