To add to what John said, the remote NH proposal would be less efficient
than the EVPN draft in terms of BGP messaging.

On 03/02/15 13:47, "John E Drake" <> wrote:

>I think we have a tempest in a teapot.
>The EVPN Overlay draft
>( needs to
>indicate different data plane encapsulations and initially we had
>proposed using the RFC 5512 extended community for this.
>Subsequently, Ali and Keyur proposed using Keyur's remote next hop draft
>which you reference, below, because it also specifies data plane
>encapsulations.  Ultimately, and w/ Yakov's assistance, we re-affirmed
>our decision to use the RFC 5512 extended community and I believe that
>the necessary additional code points have been allocated.
>So to recap, we have no interest in or any need for remote next hops.
>Yours Irrespectively,
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Susan Hares []
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 6:13 AM
>> To: 'Ali Sajassi (sajassi)'; 'Russ White'; John E Drake; 'Rabadan,
>>Jorge (Jorge)'
>> Cc:
>> Subject: RE: [bess] EVPN Draft Comments
>> Ali:
>> I would be glad to inform Yakov, Keyur and Pedro of these issues I
>> with the draft.  It would be delightful to see why they thought your
>> was reasonable.
>> Yakov and Pedro have not been in active discussions regarding IDR
>> mechanisms in the last year.  For 2014, Keyur and others on the IDR
>>list have
>> been discussing new next-hop drafts.  I suggest you consult the IDR
>>mail list
>> for these discussion regarding that the following draft.
>> At:
>>  (my
>> comments)
>>  (Eric
>> Rosen's)
>> Eric Rosen raises some very useful points on this specific draft, and
>> design of reliable next-hop mechanism.  It is Eric's comments and others
>> that have caused me to start a conversation regarding this topic.
>>  Please note I lead this discussion on the EVPN with a pragmatic note.
>> If
>> the EVPN is deployed and implemented by 2 vendors (as we require for IDR
>> WC
>> LC of protocol standards), then it should be standard rather than sit
>>on the
>> shelf.  We can consider a revised BGP mechanism in the future, but it
>> be deemed more efficient or better scaling.
>> Best wishes,
>> Sue
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: BESS [] On Behalf Of Ali Sajassi
>> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2015 2:52 AM
>> To: Susan Hares; 'Russ White'; 'John E Drake'; 'Rabadan, Jorge (Jorge)'
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [bess] EVPN Draft Comments
>> Sue,
>> On 2/2/15, 9:25 PM, "Susan Hares" <> wrote:
>> >Russ and John:
>> >
>> >I have concerns about the issues Russ has raised as well as other
>> >regarding the EVPN.   As I mentioned at the last IETF's BESS meeting,
>> >Scudder and I have been discussing the next-hop issues in BESS drafts
>> >to see
>> >if IDR could create better BGP mechanism for the future BESS drafts.
>> >this review, it became clear that several of the mechanism in EVPN
>> >have been done in a simpler and more elegant way in BGP.    It was not
>> >first EVPN specification that made this clear, but the review of
>> >several drafts.
>> If there are any specific suggestions, I¹d like to hear it. At the IETF
>> meeting, I believe I didn¹t hear anything specific.
>> >
>> >
>> >I am pragmatic.  It is auth-48. If the EVPN  is widely shipping and
>> >deployed in networks, it is unlikely that the vendors or providers want
>> >to change it at this point.  They have coded the EVPN solution.  My
>> >agreement with the BESS chairs was this investigation was not to derail
>> >their work.
>> It should be noted that this draft was written in collaboration with
>>our BGP
>> colleagues: Yakov, Pedro, and Keyur right from the beginning. So, if
>> are any issues, I am sure not just me but these folks would also be
>> interested in hearing them.
>> Regards,
>> Ali
>> >
>> >
>> >If you are interested, I would appreciate a phone conversation with
>> >both of you.  John Scudder indicated that John Drake would be the best
>> >person within Juniper to discuss this point with.  Perhaps we can talk
>> >about all of these issues.  Since it is a BGP mechanism, perhaps if we
>> >create a more elegant BGP mechanism it could be considered as a "bis"
>> >for EVPN drafts.  I suspect EVPN use is only going to grow, and better
>> >BGP mechanisms usually mean more efficient and scalable code.
>> >
>> >Best wishes,
>> >
>> >Sue Hares
>> >
>> >-----Original Message-----
>> >From: BESS [] On Behalf Of Russ White
>> >Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 7:12 PM
>> >To: 'John E Drake'; 'Rabadan, Jorge (Jorge)'
>> >Cc:
>> >Subject: Re: [bess] EVPN Draft Comments
>> >
>> >
>> >> [JD]  What RFC 7432 actually says is:  "The MAC Address Length field
>> >> is in bits, and it is set to 48.
>> >> MAC address length values other than 48 bits are outside the scope of
>> >> this document."  So, The MAC Address field is a variable length field
>> >> whose length is currently set to 48.
>> >
>> >And the figure clearly shows the length at 6 octets only. I'm not
>> >arguing the draft didn't _intend_ to make this a variable length field
>> >-- I'm arguing the draft, as written, can easily be misinterpreted, and
>> >could use clarification.
>> >
>> >> [JD]  Just because you don't like/understand it doesn't necessarily
>> >> mean it's wrong.
>> >
>> >John -- you could have said, "I think it's elegant because..." -- or,
>> >"I agree it's not perfect, but we chose this solution because..."
>> >Instead, you decided to launch a personal attack, calling me
>> >stupid/uneducated/ignorant/whatever. This is one of the things that
>> >drives me absolutely nuts about working in the IETF -- we cannot hold
>> >ourselves to an actual discussion, we have to find some way to make
>> >claims about other people personally, no matter whether or not we think
>> >they're true, etc.
>> >The
>> >next time someone says, "I can't figure out why we are losing
>> >participation in the IETF," go back and reread your response.
>> >
>> >Now -- to return to the actual topic at hand -- I find the idea of
>> >binding things together tightly, and then creating an "alias," rather
>> >than creating a looser bind and map in the first place, is worse. That
>> >might not fit what you think, but it's still something worth
>> >mentioning.
>> >
>> >:-)
>> >
>> >Russ
>> >
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