I was wondering if any suggestions for the Home menu of SC7 might be
acceptable. I'm sorry if it's all been gone though before and is a done

Generally i think that too much functionality is being added to the
home page ansd that what was once a clear, simple and user friendly
page is now becoming increasingly complicated and  confused. The
original clarity is being compromised.

An original thrust of the SC7 skin seemed to be to create a simple and
intuitive user interface whilst retaining the powerful functionality
and configurability of the application. This was achieved by ensuring
grouping "power-user" configuration options in menus that the less
technically adept users might not ever need to access.

I'm mainly speaking about the addition of the OPML browser amd the
direct editing of Favorites.

Both functions are too confusing and unwieldy for the home page,
the OPML browser especially. What is an OPML? I know but would anyone
who uses Windows in default mode (i.e. not showing file extensions)?
Add to this the fact that you can't browse for them and I have no idea
what sort of path to put in to locate them makes this function of
dubious value for your average user on a Windows machine. I feel that
this functionality, if included, needs a fair bit more thought,
especially with respect to the "average" expected user.

Editing of Favorites, whilst a necessity in my opinion does not sit
well on the home page. You can't edit any other function on the home
page like this so the edit icon on the Favorite title is unexpected and
very easy to miss. Again, I think this editing functionlity is best kept
in Extras. I edit other stuff of a very similar nature (like AlienBBC
menus) from Extras and would expect to find the Favorites editing
facility in the same place.

In the name of simplicity and clarity (and for the expected new users)
I feel that if there was to be any editing possible directly from the
home page it ought to extend only as far as drag and drop of menu
items, allowing the re-ordering of items. And, although I'd personally
like this I'm not dead certain that it's a good idea generally and that
perhaps it might be best if all editing of items on the home page was
confined to Extras (perhaps in the same way as it is possible to
configure the Remote menus, but with drag and drop of course).

Two minor things:

1) Is drag and drop going to be implemented on the Remote menus?

2) I'd be happier if Favorites.opml got saved in my Preferences folder.
Currently mine is being saved under my Cache.. so if I delete it I loose
my Favorites (I know it "should" be saved in Playlists.. and I can't see
why it hasn't, as my playlist folder is writeable, but this seems the
wrong place too).



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