Michael Herger;252372 Wrote: 
> I'm mainly speaking about the addition of the OPML browser amd the
> direct editing of Favorites. Both functions are too confusing and
> unwieldy for the home page
> Isn't the OPML browser optional, must be turned on in the Favorites
> plugin? And there's no direct editing of Favorites in the main menu.
You might be right. If so, I don't remember turning it on. However, I
have just gone to look in the Extras page and can see no item called "
OPML Playlist Browser & Editor" or indeed anything remotely like it.
Does it have another name in Extras, or is it somewhere else?
Michael Herger;252372 Wrote: 
> Editing of Favorites, whilst a necessity in my opinion does not sit
> well on the home page. You can't edit any other function on the home
> page like this so the edit icon on the Favorite title is unexpected and
> very easy to miss.
> Oh, you mean that button is "direct editing"?
Sorry not to be clear enough. OK. A (very easy to miss and unexpected)
link to editing.
Michael Herger;252372 Wrote: 
> Again, I think this editing functionlity is best kept in Extras.
> So instead of having the Favorites item have a direct link to the edit
> page, you'd hide it in Extras?
Yes exactly, along with all the other things you can edit if you want

I am certain that the user interface should be kept clear and simple
and that, especially cosidering new and less technically savvy users,
the editing functions should be kept entitrely separate (as they have
so far for the majority of editing functions in SC7).

Michael Herger;252372 Wrote: 
> 2) I'd be happier if Favorites.opml got saved in my Preferences folder.
> Currently mine is being saved under my Cache.. so if I delete it I
> loose my Favorites (I know it "should" be saved in Playlists.. and I
> can't see why it hasn't, as my playlist folder is writeable, but this
> seems the wrong place too).
> I think Playlist is the right place. Do you see any error message to
> why it can't be written there? Is the playlist folder within the music
> folder?
I see no errors. My Playlist folder is on a local drive, is writeable
and is separate from any of my music folders.
I think Favorites is a function of SlimServer and as such should be
kept within it's own settings folder (preferably not the cache for the
reasons above). I don't think of Favorites as a generic playlist and
thnk it belongs it in my Playlists folder (it's not even in the same
file format as my other playlists).



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