I'm trying not going to get dragged into that conversation again...

>first, all the posts about TPE2 in the forum.  theres a lot of them. 
Haven't noticed many myself, and it's totally irrelevant anyway.  People 
posting on a forum are not representative of Joe public.

I think you are also missing the point as to how infrequent an Album Artist 
should be required.

I have a reasonabe size library.  I have a variety of tastes in music, ranging 
through pop, rock, alternative, electronic, ambient, classical.  I'm also a 
power user, and go to great lengths to tag my library as correct as possible to 
aid my ability to browse my library.

I have a very small percentage of albums that require album artist.  I have a 
larger percentage of albums that I have seen fit to add a proper band tag for.

I am sure that when I have ripped albums in the past with WMP (admittedly, I 
haven't done so for about 4 years), it did not set album artist.

If you use Gracenote's album lookup for a compilation album, it sets 
artist=Various Artists.

Tagging providers, which are also largely provided from community-based 
uploads, do not have a standard.  The whole situation is a mess.  

>i think if SC aggregates stats, and i think they do
What makes you think that?  I think they probably don't.  Where do you think 
they get stats from?

>i'd even be willing to say it should be the default for new installs.
Absolutely not!

>i admit, i am guessing from observed evidence
Your first 5 words were correct...

>but i base it off of the marketplace leader apps

>I'd even guess you use it, (as per 8004, right?)
You guessed wrong.

>and who knows how many people were in my boat who got turned off by SC
>since it had no option pre 7.1?
About the same number of people who got turned off other leading market 
applications because those apps don't provide a means for adding band tags.

>but yes, it would be interesting to get a snapshot in time of just what
>tags each app is using, and how when ripping, and/or auto-retagging /
>renaming files.
I think that the results could be useful as a wiki page.  Might help with 
schema/SC scanner options design for SC7.3.

>one thing i am sure of, MOST mp3 users, BY FAR, are using TPE2 as album
>artist in the apps, and NOT as band (which would be by spec).
No.  MOST mp3 users, BY FAR do not use either, because in MOST CASES it is not 

>amount of users actually using TPE2 for strictly and purposely for
>"band" is probably under 1%
Not for classical music listeners, who also use the tag for Orchestra 

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